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  培训会展信息/ 详细内容
电子束灭菌确认和过程控制 【阅读原文】
2016/3/17 admin 次数 点击5547
培训/会展时间: 2016/8/29-2016/9/2 主办方: Risø High Dose Reference Laboratory
培训/会展地点: Denmark 联系方式: 18616790365 / info@sunplume.com
Validation and Process Control for Electron Beam Sterilization (course) 29 August - 2 September, 2016 Risø High Dose Reference Laboratory - DTU Nutech - Technical University of Denmark This Risø c

Validation and Process Control for Electron Beam Sterilization (course)

29 August - 2 September, 2016 

Risø High Dose Reference Laboratory
DTU Nutech
Technical University of Denmark
DK 4000 Roskilde, Denmark


This Risø course gives background for understanding and fulfilling the requirements of the radiation sterilization standard EN ISO 11137.

The course is an updated version of the course that has been organized by Risø High Dose Reference Laboratory approximately 50 times with a total close to 400 participants.


Participants will carry out

-       dosimeter calibration by irradiation at a 10 MeV electron accelerator,

-       measurements for Operational Qualification and

-       dose mapping for Performance Qualification.


Methods for sterilization dose setting and substantiation according to EN ISO 11137-2 will be discussed, as well as Effects of radiation on polymers.

The emphasis of this course is on high energy (10 MeV) electron beam sterilization, but aspects of low energy (100 keV) electron beam and of gamma sterilization will also be discussed.


Validation and Process Control for Low Energy Electron Beam Irradiation

24 - 26 October, 2016

