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美国: 辐照处理对葡萄和蓝莓有益
作者:羊阳译 【阅读原文】


New research reveals that phytosanitary irradiation which is currently being used to treat fruits such as guava, rambutan and mango, can be effective in preserving the quality of blueberries and grape during long-distance transportation, distribution, storage.



Scientists in the US monitored the effects of irradiation on the quality of three varieties of blueberries and two varieties of grapes treated at phytosanitary dose levels. Results showed that blueberries and grapes have a high tolerance for phytosanitary irradiation and that storage affects quality more than irradiation. Firmness was the primary attribute affected by irradiation for both varieties of grapes.



It is often necessary to treat produce for insects in order to transport crops out of quarantine areas. Yet fumigation with methyl bromide, one of the most common treatments, is being phased out because of its depleting effect on the ozone layer. Phytosanitary irradiation is a promising alternative.


'Star', 'Jewel', 和 'Snowchaser' 的蓝莓以及‘Sugraone’和'Crimson Seedless' 葡萄在以目标辐照剂量400Gy(蓝莓剂量范围为400-590Gy,葡萄400-500 Gy)被辐照,并在冷藏条件下存储3天和18天,另加在环境温度下存储3天。”这个实验旨在模拟从加州地面运输到墨西哥以及从加利福尼亚到亚洲的海运时间,”科学家们解释。然后评估果实可溶性固形物浓度,滴定酸度,和重量减轻。对于这些质量属性,结果显示了不同水果品种之间的差异性,但研究人员发现辐照处理对质量的影响“不显著”。

'Star', 'Jewel', and 'Snowchaser' blueberries and 'Sugraone' and 'Crimson Seedless' grapes were irradiated at a target dose of 400 Gy (range of 400-590 Gy for blueberries and 400-500 Gy for grapes) and stored for 3 and 18 days under refrigeration, plus 3 days at ambient temperatures. "This experiment was designed to simulate the time of ground transport (from California) to Mexico and sea transport from California to Asia," the scientists explained. The fruit was then evaluated for soluble solids concentration, titratable acidity, and weight loss. With respect to these quality attributes, the results showed differences among fruit varieties, but the researchers found treatment effects to be "not significant."



The study also involved sensory tests in which consumers evaluated the fruit on appearance, flavor, texture, and overall "liking." "Firmness was the primary attribute affected by irradiation for both varieties of grapes, but sensory testing showed that consumers did not have a preference for control or irradiated fruit," the authors said. "However, sensory scores for flavor were higher for the irradiated berries than the control berries after storage, suggesting a decline in quality of the control blueberries with time," the scientists noted.

  上一篇: 中广核矿业与FU公司达成认购协议
  下一篇: 澳车厘子种植户盼其水果使用辐照处理后空运出口至中国
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